Sauces - Thai Dragon
  • Extra Hot Sriracha Black Fire Sauce

    Experience the bold flavour of Extra Hot Sriracha Black Fire Sauce. Crafted for spice lovers, this sauce delivers a fiery kick paired with a rich, savoury taste. Perfect for drizzling, dipping, or cooking, it adds a thrilling heat to your favourite dishes.

    Net Wt. 455ml

  • Sriracha Hot Chilli Sauce

    Our signature sauce is made using Thailand’s famous sun-kissed chillies and has been carefully prepared to enhance, well, just about everything. Liven up your kebabs, sandwiches and burgers or add a splash to your favourite dish for a sizzling kick.

    Net Wt. 455 ml

  • Sriracha Mayo

    Our vegan Sriracha Mayo is a wonderfully versatile sauce – perfect with meat, fish or veggies! Add to tacos for an indulgent twist, or use it on sandwiches, wraps and even salads for some extra zing. Delicious as a dipping sauce or drizzled over your favourite meal.

    Net Wt. 200 ml

  • Sriracha Hot Chilli Sauce Wasabi

    When wasabi met sriracha it created a game changer. The two most wanted Asian heavyweights have joined forces to create a super flavourful hot sauce. Spread generously over your grilled favourites or drizzle over sushi.

    Net Wt. 200 ml

  • Sweet Chilli Sauce

    Our Sweet Chilli Sauce is a beautiful marriage of texture and subtle heat with a fruity, spicy edge. The perfect dressing and a staple in many Asian recipes, sweet chilli is an excellent complement to fish, chicken, grills, crackers, spring rolls and, pretty much, everything.

    Net Wt. 455 ml

  • Fish Sauce

    A staple, savoury seasoning in Asian cuisine, popular for its ability to add an umami, lingering kick to dishes. Our versatile fish sauce can be used in recipes, as a seasoning or as a base for your home made dipping sauces.

    Net Wt. 200 ml

  • Light Soy Sauce

    Our Thai Dragon Light Soy Sauce has been carefully crafted for a strong, aromatic umami flavour and perfectly balanced with sweetness. Made using natural and traditional fermentation methods, it is the ideal way to add flavour during marinating and seasoning and a great addition to a quick stir-fry.

    Net Wt. 150 ml

  • Dark Soy Sauce

    Our dark soy sauce has been naturally fermented from non-GMO soybeans using traditional aging methods. This sauce delivers a deep, savoury aroma and will add a depth of colour to traditional and modern dishes. It is often used in stews, stir-fries and for marinating.

    Net Wt. 150 ml